First Autumn in Boise

(My Pumpkin, Before the Carving)

It’s been over 2 weeks since the last time I posted anything to my blog and I do apologize from bottom of my heart!

It’s been a busy couple of weeks to say the least! I’ve been pretty occupied with getting adjusted to the city, fixing up the house, working out at the gym, networking, job searching, attending events, and of course discovering new venues and restaurants to enjoy and share with you! This post doesn’t include anything about wine or food this time around, but rather some awesome treats from other local businesses that have a different genre of wonderful products to offer.  I have also included some bits about my own little creations and collections as well.

As of late, I have become a bit obsessed with the antique and vintage markets around town! It’s a small city, so I am sure the majority of you have experienced the vast display of antiques and collectibles that they offer at the Antique World Mall on Overland and the other shops that dot the landscape in unexpected places like strip malls, but if you haven’t yet;  please do!  Like I mentioned in one of my previous posts….. I am in deep trouble!

I have already begun to rapidly accumulate a small collection of antique and vintage tea cups!
In my opinion, there is nothing quite like sipping a high-grade green tea out of 100-year-old vessel!


I also got my hands on this little TEAL vintage 1980s telephone! FUN!  Isn’t this a great color??Telephone.jpg

This is my first Autumn in Boise and so far, so good! It’s been a very nostalgic experience thus far and a nice reminder of my earlier days living in rural Connecticut where the weather is quite similar.

I watched the beautiful tree in my back yard turn bright yellow and orange and then quickly drop its leaves in preparation for the cold weather to come! It’s exciting, different, and quite refreshing  to say the least and my lungs have never been happier!

backyardtree.jpgThis week was also “PUMPKIN CARVING” week for my close friends and their family and neighbors and although each year I try to carve something really creative that manifests itself from my own imagination; this year I decided to go with a pattern and cut my pumpkin from that.
Thank you little Vivienne for supplying your fun book full of great ideas!

This is the result of my pumpkin carving adventures!

Nikkis PumpkinEveryones pumpkins

This photo is the result of all of our carving efforts! Not too shabby!!!

Please stay tuned for more!

Delicious autumn! My very soul is wedded to it, and if I were a bird I would fly about the earth seeking the successive autumns.
~George Eliot

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All Right’s Reserved ©Nikki Russo 2014
©Nikki Russo Photography 2014

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